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Dental Plans for Residents of Supportive Living Facilities (SLF):

If you are a Medicaid recipient, you may have difficulty locating a doctor that will accept your dental coverage.  Preferred Insurance solves this for you.  We provide access to care that is both affordable and user friendly. Feel confident we understand the importance of your dental needs.  Our policies put you first.

Senior citizens across the U.S. are seeking coverage to reduce their dental expenditure.  Preferred Insurance offers affordable dental insurance for Residents of SLFs in Illinois.

If you are an Illinois resident living in a SLF, receive Medicaid benefits and collect a pension or social security check, comprehensive dental coverage is within your reach at no additional cost to you.

Our insurance plan may cover many of the necessary dental procedures required to maintain or improve your oral health.  Members have the option whether to receive dental care in the comfort of their facility.

Dental Insurance for Residents of SLF Facilities

We offer full coverage dental plans with low cost coverage premiums.  The plans are also available to you if you are a Medicaid recipient residing in a SLF, and collect social security or a pension.  You may be eligible to use your personal funds to purchase our insurance and not affect the payment you make to your SLF for your care. There is no out of pocket expense.

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5 - Accessible Dental Care

Preferred Insurance allows you to take control of your dental care.  Your choice includes having our contracted providers with years of geriatric experience treat you in the comfort of your surroundings.

Elderly couple smiling while enjoying a view